My business is in the best days of the world


The book My Business in the Best Days of the World is an integrated workshop on the best days, the most beloved and the greatest of them with God Almighty..
We will learn about the ten days and Eid al-Adha in the 36-page book of pleasure.
And more than 20 delightful interactive handicrafts are added to the book, complementing, corroborating and sharing the information.
Stories - information - puzzles - interactive works - decorations - a supplication counter - group games - an agenda - and more..
We will learn.. work and teach..
🤩 (My works are in the best days of the world) 🤩 An integrated workshop containing an introduction to:
🍃 The father of the prophets and the position of Ibrahim.
🍃 Story, steps and Hajj map.
🍃 The Hijri months and the virtue of the ten.
🍃 Mecca, the Kaaba, and the strange secret.
🍃 Sa'y and Zamzam.
🍃 Eid and sacrifice, and thanks for the blessings.
🍃 One family, and the kiss.
🍃 good deeds.
🍃 The rest of the righteous.
🍃 Takbeer and supplication.
🍃 Vase and flowers teach us.
🍃 The teacher of good people.
🍃 The largest tent city in the world.
🍃 Raise your hands to the sky.
🍃 agenda.
🍃 Remembrance counter.
And all this through a book that contains wonderful stories and interesting information, in addition to: handicrafts and collective holiday decorations
And a wonderful collection of puzzles and games, and a lot of activities that children love
And an agenda to follow up the good deeds in the first ten days of Dhu al-Hijjah.